Full HD video, 5min.55´, h264, binaural audio
produced in the ViaFarini residency, Milan, 2017
→Open Studio at ViaFarini, 2017
→Talent Video Awards (Anteo Palazzo del Cinema), Milano, 2018
→Midasuv dotyk at Oblastní Galerie v Liberci (CZ) curated by Viktor Čech, 2018
The monologue of the protagonist is a kind of user review of a smartphone application that works as a personal tutor. The video focuses on the psychological perspective of the individual in relation to the interpretative possibilities of an algorithm capable of giving us the most effective advice in all the areas of everyday life. It reveals the tension between the total security offered by the technology and still not predictable human unconsciousness.
installation view from Open studio at Via Farini, 2017